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    Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating GmbH & Co. KG

    Spicher Str. 46


    +49 2241 481-0

    New Contact Roll for Cast Film Winders Eliminates the Need for Rewinding. Troisdorf, 02.07.2013. Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating has launched a new contact roll with special micro structure for MIDEX rotary arm winders. The roll helps reduce production costs, enhance the winding quality and increase production safety. The new roll saves producers a complete production step: Thanks to its innovative surface, a precise build-up of edges is ensured so that rewinding of the film can be dispensed with in many cases. This has a positive effect on the production costs and saves time. A special micro structure and soft rubber-coating improves the contact to the web and prevents undesirable film warts which avoids blocking of the film layers in the winding process. In the past, particularly thin PP film of less than 30µ was affected. Producers usually counteracted this phenomenon by using expensive additives. Now, these can reduced to a significant extent. The new roll also eliminates the need for electrostatic charging of the film used in the past to improve the winding quality, even though it was detrimental to the working conditions of the operating staff due to possible electrostatic discharges. These are not only unpleasant to people, but may become a safety risk, depending on the environment, for instance in production halls where colours are worked with at the same time. In addition to facilitating film conversion processes, the new roll reduces this risk to a minimum. Höxter-based Wentus has tested the new roll and is very satisfied with the result. “Our winding quality could be significantly improved. This is very important both for us and our customers. Thanks to the new contact roll, we are able to produce film with excellent quality at high winding speeds,” says the extrusion manager of the film producer. The roll is available as of now and can be retrofitted to all MIDEX rotary arm winders. The new contact roll for MIDEX rotary arm winders makes complete production steps superfluous. (Source: Wentus, Höxter)

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